Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Queen Concert

The Queen concert was out of this world! I flew in to Nashville on Tuesday, March 7th and the guys picked me up from the airport. Shortly thereafter, we were on our way to Atlanta to experience Queen. It was Jordan House, Zach Wilson, Robin Brannon, and me. The concert was at the Gwinett Center in Deluth, GA and it wasn't quite sold out, but there were thousands of people there (maybe 10,000). We had great seats that were perfect for seeing over people's heads. Besides Queen's music, the most impressive thing to me were the lights. There were so many lights and the configuration was mind-boggling. They sang a ton of favorites, like Tie Your Mother Down, Hammer To Fall, Bohemian Rhapsody, We Will Rock You, and We Are the Champions. I thought Paul Rodgers was good, but I'll have to be honest, I missed Freddie's voice A LOT! Paul did a good job of making the songs his own. The problem was, they weren't his own, they were Freddie's. But he sounded pretty good anyway. I missed John Deacon, the bass player too. In fact, personally, my 2 favorite things about Queen are Freddie's vocals and John's bass playing, neither of which were present. Don't let me fool you though, I had the time of my life and it was one of, if not the best concert, I have ever been to.


At 7:56 PM, Anonymous shelby diiro said...

dear brother gary evans jr are you thinking about joing another acapella group it has been a long time since the last time i saw you here in fergus falls mn with your acapella group.


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